FibreCo launches dark fibre link between Johannesburg and Durban
FibreCo launches dark fibre link between Johannesburg and Durban
FibreCo announced it has gone live with its open access dark fibre link along the N3 from Johannesburg to Durban.
The fibre link includes the subsea cable landing stations of SEACOM and EASSy on the east coast, with SEACOM becoming one of FibreCo’s first customers.
FibreCo said the link provides the shortest dark fibre route inter-connecting the regional data centres of Internet Solutions and Teraco, as well as the SEACOM and EASSy subsea cable systems.
The route also provides connectivity to Germiston, Harrismith, Pietermaritzburg, and the cable landing station in Mtunzini.
“Our continued investment in open access infrastructure enables us to respond to the growing needs of our clients,” said FibreCo CEO Simon Harvey.
“We are actively engaging with operators, system integrators, service providers, and public-sector clients along the N3 who have shown tremendous and positive interest in FibreCo’s product offerings along this route.”
FibreCo’s open-access network now spans over 4,000km and interconnects over 59 points of presence in South Africa, including major data centres in Johannesburg and Cape Town.
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