Gemalto tech underpins DRC voter registration

Gemalto tech underpins DRC voter registration

Digital security firm Gemalto has won an international tender to supply CENI, the National Independent Electoral Commission of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with 22,000 mobile biometric voter enrollment kits to support a comprehensive update of the country’s national voter register.

According to the company its Coesys Mobile Enrollment stations will enable 18,000 enrollment centres to acquire digital photographs, fingerprint and signature records of citizens, and instantly issue personalised voter cards for upcoming general elections.

The elections are scheduled to take place in November 2016.

Gemalto said it will also ‘train the trainers’ for CENI and provide comprehensive maintenance and support for the voter registration project.

CENI will use the Coesys Mobile Enrollment stations to ensure efficient and quality acquisition of voter’s personal details and biometric data that will be used to add new eligible voters, as well as clean and update existing records in the national voter register ahead of the elections.

In particular, the use of irrefutable biometric data will help identify and eliminate duplicates. CENI is responsible for managing and operating the entire enrollment process, and consolidating the voter registry.

“We needed a reliable partner to facilitate our ambitious program, which we expect will enroll up to 45 million voters,” said Corneille Nangaa, President of CENI. “With a wealth of experience in enrollment and voter registry applications in Africa and beyond, Gemalto offered an excellent technical fit, and the ability to react quickly to our requirements.”

“Our secure mobile enrollment solution will enable CENI to establish a reliable and respected voter registry, based on undisputable biometric data, and provide all the flexibility required to set up voter registration bureau all across the country” said Frederic Trojani, Executive Vice President for Government Programs at Gemalto. “Above all else, it provides the Democratic Republic of Congo with a trusted foundation towards free, fair and transparent elections.”

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