Andile Ngcaba: NETmundial and The Future of The Internet
Andile Ngcaba: NETmundial and The Future of The Internet
On the 23rd and 24th of April, Brazil will host NETmundial; a meeting on the future of Internet Governance. It is a platform were academia, civil society, the technical community and private sector are able to collectively formulate and establish strategic guidelines for the successful governance of the Internet and, most importantly, ensure the open and inclusive participation of all individuals on the Internet.
This multistakeholder meeting will comprise of ministerial representatives from 12 countries along with 12 delegates of the international community, which includes The International Telecommunications Union (ITU), The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (UNDESA) and The European Commission.
Andile Ngcaba ,Jeanette Hofmann, Subi Chaturvedi and Fadi Chedad will co-chair the event alongside Professor Virgilio Fernandes Almeida; chairman of NETmundial.
In preparation for the event, the Draft Outcomes Paper is available for public input until the 21st of April.
For more information visit