Andile Ngcaba presents keynote at FTTH Council Africa, 2012

Andile Ngcaba presents keynote at FTTH Council Africa, 2012

Convergence Partners’ Chairman, Andile Ngacba, was the keynote speaker at the inaugural FTTH Council Africa broadband conference held in Cape Town on 12 and 13 November 2012.  Andile outlined the four key pillars to broadband growth viz; regulatory and policy issues; technology (especially photonics); new business models; and skills development.

He also highlighted the risk associated with unclear regulatory and policy frameworks with regard to government involvement in infrastructure deployment, ownership, resale and management. He made a strong case for partnership with government in order to address market failures.  However, emphasised the need to have clear guidelines on the role of the public and private sectors in order to avoid the possibility of public sector investment crowding out private investment in infrastructure deployment.

Read article from TechCentral here