Britehouse shines in Deloittes 2010 Best Company to Work For Sur

Britehouse shines in Deloittes 2010 Best Company to Work For Sur

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Britehouse Specialist SAP Division was yesterday ranked as the fourth Best Company To Work For in the Small Company Category in the Deloitte Annual Survey. The company was also rated third best in IT in South Africa. Britehouse shareholders, management and staff are very proud to have achieved this rating, a phenomenal improvement from ninth place in 2009!

Following the 2009 results, Britehouse management reviewed the results in detail and put a long-term and sustainable plan in place to address the shortcomings identified. The company recruited a dedicated talent manager to refine the performance management processes and structures, and addressed key areas such as communication, skills development and innovation. As a result of these activities, the company and its staff were able to get some short-term benefits, but it is continuing on the longer journey to ensure the company achieves excellence in all areas.

Britehouse strategy has always been, and continues to be, to attract and retain experienced individuals with the knowledge and the passion to deliver great value to its customers. Britehouse allows people to show their true potential by embarking on challenging projects and trusting them to deliver to customer expectations. Its staff has embraced this approach and have really excelled in achieving personal, company and customer goals.

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