CP Research Report Vol.1 No.2 2007: WiMAX = 4G
CP Research Report Vol.1 No.2 2007: WiMAX = 4G
Conclusion: The long-term evolution of GSM (LTE), commonly referred to as 4G, is planned to start rolling out from 2011 and will finally enable the promised benefits of 3G (fast internet, mobile TV etc.) to be realised. However, today technology is available that is able to already deliver most, if not all, of these benefits several years before LTE promises to deliver it.
WiMAX is this technology (the so-called “elephant in the room”): standards have been passed, mobility will soon be enabled, and the cost of its rollout can be achieved at a fraction of the cost of the capital requirements of a 3G network. The equipment is robust and manufacturers are pressing on with chip developments for the new generation mobile devices.
So why then does LTE continue to exist? In our view the answer to this question lies in the following:
Nonetheless, in this report we demonstrate that WiMAX serves as a cheap and viable solution to Africa’s wireless broadband needs, and is a serious contender that can be implemented by existing GSM operators and is in fact already being rolled out.