Investment in Britehouse group

Investment in Britehouse group

Scott Gibson

Dimension Data Holdings PLC has today announced the formation of a new company – Britehouse Group.

In line with the ongoing convergence in the software applications space, Dimension Data in South Africa has consolidated its Microsoft Applications and SAP Application Development Practices into Britehouse Group (Britehouse), a new, black-empowered entity.

In line with the ongoing convergence in the software applications space, Dimension Data in South Africa has consolidated its Microsoft Applications and SAP Application Development Practices into Britehouse Group (Britehouse), a new, black-empowered entity.

A Black Economic Empowerment Consortium consisting of Convergence Partners Investments (Proprietary) Limited (a company headed by Andile Ngcaba) and Safika Holdings (Proprietary) Limited (an empowerment investment holding company) will purchase an effective 30% stake in Britehouse. The remaining shareholding of Britehouse will be held by a wholly owned subsidiary of Dimension Data Holdings PLC (Dimension Data PLC).

Britehouse which comprises a 57,6% stake in 3fifteen and 75% stake in Pebbletree Consulting – has a large concentration of SAP and Microsoft specialist skills. 3fifteen and Pebbletree Consulting were identified and incubated by Dimension Data’s venture capital business, Protocol Venture Capital (Pty) Ltd. The consolidation of these companies into a separate operating entity provides efficiencies, critical mass and autonomy.

3fifteen, a Microsoft Gold Partner, provides specialist Microsoft services including consulting, software application development and deployment. Earlier this year, the company was named as Microsoft’s 2006 Customer Experience Partner of the Year.

Pebbletree Consulting, a SAP Africa Service Partner and an SAP Africa SME Business Partner, provides strategic business consulting services in respect of SAP software, empowering organisations to optimise business performance using SAP as a platform.

Both 3fifteen and Pebbletree will retain their current management structures, operating independence and identities.

Dimension Data South Africa Pty Ltd’s investment in Paracon Holdings Limited has also been transferred to Britehouse. Paracon, a specialist IT contracting company, will provide the new entity with a flexible skills base to ensure an optimal structure.

Dimension Data’s core business is the provision and maintenance of the ICT infrastructure that supports the delivery of software applications to all parts of the enterprise. 3fifteen and Pebbletree excel in the area of software applications, which are network reliant, and thus a natural fit with Dimension Data’s ICT infrastructure expertise.

The consolidated carrying value of Britehouse is R98.9 million. The transaction is subject to various approval including regulatory approvals.

About Dimension Data

Dimension Data plc (LSE:DDT), a specialist IT services and solution provider, helps clients plan, build, support and manage their IT infrastructures. Dimension Data applies its expertise in networking, security, operating environments, storage and contact centre technologies and its unique skills in consulting, integration and managed services to create customised client solutions.