FTTH Council introduces advisory groups

FTTH Council introduces advisory groups


FTTH home page image


The fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) Council Africa has put a number of advisory committees in place, today announcing the chairs and vice chairs of each.

The organisation says the committees provide a platform for industry to meet and debate issues of relevance. “The advisory committees bring together the expertise of the council’s members to discuss, debate and find solutions to industry problems. They will also enable the council to provide individual members with content and information in areas they are interested in.”

The FTTH Council’s focus is on the fibre industry and all stakeholders affected by the industry, including national and local government, private companies, regulating bodies and industry organisations.

Where relevant, the committees will put together positioning papers and recommendations on how to solve challenges facing the industry as a whole, says the FTTH Council. The advisory committees cover BEE, technical issues, operator issues, civils and planning, policy and regulation, and applications.


The chairs and vice chairs are as follows:


Policy and regulation committee
Chairperson: Envir Fraser – Fibreco
Vice Chair: Mike Silber – Liquid Telecomms


Applications committee
Jason Modlinne – IS (This group will grow with the induction of companies in the Applications/Cloud space)


Public sector and smart cities committee
Elize Lubbe – ClearlineIS


Civils and planning committee
Chairperson: Yana Vergie – Wired Earth
Vice Chair: Sampie de Witt – Clearline


BEE committee
Chairperson: Tshepo Mpaneng – Fibreco
Vice Chair: Elmare Schutte – Dark Fibre Africa


Technical advisory committee
Chairperson: Chris Nel – Lambda
Vice Chair: Andre Hoffman – Link Africa
Article sourced from : itweb.co.za

Images: www.ftthcouncilafrica.com